John F. Hughes - Personal - Boats
PostScript programs for navigation, piloting, etc<
I happen to like hacking PostScript as a real language, not just as
"output stuff" from other programs. In particular, it's let me
generate various "parametrized" forms, such as a generic "plotting
sheet": a page that has latitude and longitude lines for some portion
of the world, and a compass rose in the middle, but nothing else.
- You can download my
in compressed PostScript, or the same
in plan old uncompressed PostScript.
Here's an image of sample output.
Click on it to see a full-sized version.
- You can download my
"dumbcompass"-generating program
in compressed PostScript, or the same
"dumbcompass"-generating program
in plan old uncompressed PostScript.
This generates a compass rose, any size, on your
page, together with a magnetic compass rose (if you like) labelled
with the variation.
Here's an image of sample output.
Click on it to see a full-sized version. You can paste a printout of
such a "compass" to a sheet of cardboard and stick a "gnomon" (a tall
pointer) up through it to make a sort of "sundial"; this is the first
step in using the sun to calibrate
a compass.
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