the Rush C. Hawkins professor of computer science at Brown University, during 2002-2007 I was also the department
chair. Before coming to Brown in 1998 I was a researcher and project
manager at the IBM Almaden
Research Center in California, and a professor
at the Weizmann
Institute in Israel. I received an
undergraduate degree in mathematics and statistics and a doctorate
degree in computer science from the Hebrew University in
Jerusalem, Israel.
My research focuses on the design and analysis of algorithms. In
particular I'm interested in randomized algorithms and probabilistic
analysis of algorithms. Applications range from combinatorial and
stochastic optimization to routing and communication networks,
computational biology, and computational finance.
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My Erdos number is 2, and I am a
mathematical descendant of Eli Shamir, Jacques Hadamard (4th
generation), Simeon Denis Poisson (8th generation) and
Pierre-Simon Laplace (9th generation).