About Me
I am currently on the job market.
I am a PhD student in the Computer Science Department at Brown University. I am advised by Tim Kraska and am a member of Data Management Group. I received my BSc from Sharif University of Technology, Iran and my MSc from ETH Zurich, Switzerland under the supervision of Donald Kossmann.
I can be reached at erfanz@cs.brown.edu. You can see my resume here.
Research Interests
- High-performance Transactoin Processing
- Data Management Systems
- Distributed Systems
- Systems for Analytics and Data Science
Distributed Data Stores
- Chiller: Contention-centric Transaction Execution and Data Partitioning for Modern Networks, SIGMOD 2020
- Rethinking Database High Availability with RDMA Networks, VLDB 2019
- The End of a Myth: Distributed Transactions can Scale, VLDB 2017
- The End of Slow Networks: It’s Time for a Redesign, VLDB 2016
- I-Store: Data Management for Fast Networks, NEDB, 2015
Analytics Systems
- Locality-aware partitioning in parallel database systems, ACM SIGMOD 2015
- Spotgres - Parallel Data Analytics on Spot Instances, IEEE ICDE, 2015
- XDB: A novel Database for Data Analytics as a Service, ACM SoCC, 2013
Fault Tolerance
- Cost-based Fault-tolerance for Parallel Data Processing, ACM SIGMOD 2015
- DoomDB - Kill the Query, ACM SIGMOD 2014