
Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Fall 2024

A single algorithmic improvement can have a greater impact on our ability to solve a problem than ten years of incremental improvements in CPU speed. We study techniques for designing and analyzing algorithms. Typical problem areas addressed include hashing, searching, dynamic programming, graph algorithms, network flow, and optimization algorithms including linear programming. Prerequisites: CSCI 0160, CSCI 0180, or CSCI 0190, and one of CSCI 0220, CSCI 1010, CSCI 1450, MATH 0750, MATH 1010, MATH 1530.

Instructor's Permission Required

Home Page:
TTh 2:30pm-3:50pm in Friedman Hall 202 (9/4 to 9/17)
TTh 2:30pm-3:50pm in Salomon Center 001 (9/18 to 12/21)

A final exam is scheduled for:
Exam Date: 14-DEC-2024  Exam Time: 02:00:00 PM
in Salomon Center 001

Max Seats:97