A fun website used to live here. But it stopped working due to its complexity, and its text content remains for posterity.

This course will cover concepts in human-computer interaction that focus on designing user interfaces. Topics include understanding when to use different interfaces, modeling and representing user interaction, principles of user experience design, eliciting requirements and feedback from users, methods for designing and prototyping interfaces, and user interface evaluation. Students interested in learning the process behind building a user interface and gaining hands-on experience designing a user interface should take this course.

Nearly all course information will be available on the course website. The course is expected to require 10 hours / week of work outside class for assignments, readings, labs, and other activities.

Both CSCI 1300 and CSCI 0130 will have the same lecture, labs, and readings, but some assignments will differ. CSCI 1300 will have assignments with computer science prerequisites (involving more statistics, logic, programming). You may choose which one you want to take, but you won't be able to take the other one for credit in the future. CSCI 1300 provides 1000-level CS credit, but CSCI 0130 does not, so CS concentrators may prefer CSCI 1300. Typically, a number of RISD students also take the course; RISD students should come to the first day of class to get information about enrolling. Any student in CSCI 0130 may substitute their assignment with the corresponding CSCI 1300 assignment for credit, but not vice versa. Note that due to both courses having the same lecture, all students will see everyone in both courses, and sometimes work with students in the other course number.

Course Time and Location

Location: 117 MacMillan Hall
Time: 6:40-8:00pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays

Class Schedule



Reading Comments Due (Wednesdays)

Assignment Released (Thursdays)

Thu, 9/7


Critique Journal

Tue, 9/12



Thu, 9/14


Tue, 9/19


Cooper - About Face

Thu, 9/21


Personas & Storyboarding

Tue, 9/26


Norman - The Design of Everyday Things

Thu, 9/28


Tue, 10/3


Gray, Salzman - Damaged Merchandise

Thu, 10/6


A/B Testing & Eye Tracking (01301300)

Tue, 10/10


Koomen - Statistics for Online Experiments

Thu, 10/12


Tue, 10/17

Layout [css example]

Vignelli - Canon

Thu, 10/19


Responsive Redesign

Tue, 10/24


Butterick, Adobe, Salminen - Various

Thu, 10/26


Tue, 10/31


Buxton - Input

Thu, 11/2


Input (130)Development (1300)

Tue, 11/7


Buxton - Sketching User Experiences

Thu, 11/9


Tue, 11/14


Kramer - Emotional Contagion and followups

Thu, 11/16


Iterative Design & Evaluation

Tue, 11/21

HCI (optional)

Goffman and Eggers

Thu, 11/23

Fall Break (Holiday)

Tue, 11/28


Thu, 11/30


New York Times - Innovation Report

Presentation / Portfolio

Tue, 12/5


Thu, 12/7


You are encouraged to do the reading before lecture, but have until the next day to submit reading comments. Assignments are due about 2 weeks after they are released. This means that the deadline for reading comments and assignments are generally on Wednesdays (hand in any time on the due date), except for the last assignment and last reading, due to Thanksgiving break. The date of the deadline is also listed in the reading comment prompt or assignment handout.

UX Visitors






Office Hours

Talk Title

Sept 28

Clara Kliman-Silver

UX Researcher


9/28, 5-6pm, CIT 4th Floor

Sign-up Link

Your Brain on UX

Oct 12

Marc Sasinski

Head of UX

Riot Games

10/12, 5-6:30, CIT 3rd Floor

Designing Engaging User Experiences in Gaming

Nov 2

Irene Rae

UX Researcher


11/2, 3-4pm CIT 368

11/3, 9-10:40am, Sign-up Link

I'm Not Lost, I'm in Transit: From Design to Robots to Big Data

Nov 9

Larry Goldberg

Senior Director, Accessible Media


11/9, 5:30-6:30pm, CIT 4th floor atrium

Digital Video and Information Accessibility


Jeff Huang, 407 CIT, jeff@cs.brown.edu
Office hours: Tuesdays 2:30-4:30pm

Teaching Assistants

Lily George (Head TA) lily_george@brown.edu
Neilly Tan (Head TA) neilly_tan@brown.edu
Jina Yoon (Head TA) jina@brown.edu
Aarthi Anbalagan (TA) aarthi@brown.edu
Dominique Moore (TA) dominique_moore@brown.edu
Edward Jiao (TA) edward_jiao@brown.edu
Hannah Tipperman (TA) hannah_tipperman@brown.edu
Isaac Semaya (Senior TA) isaac_semaya@brown.edu
Kelly Wang (TA) kelly_wang@brown.edu
Marcus Yeo (TA) marcus_yeo@brown.edu
Lucas Rosenblatt (TA) lucas_rosenblatt@brown.edu
Martha Edwards (TA) martha_edwards@brown.edu
Oliver Hu (TA) oliver_hu@brown.edu
Tiffany Chen (TA) tiffany_chen@brown.edu
Rachel Teller (TA) rachel_teller@brown.edu
William Lee (TA) william_m_lee@brown.edu
Yuta Arai (Senior TA) yuta_arai@brown.edu
Shaun Wallace (Graduate TA) shaun_wallace@brown.edu


Email cs1300tas@lists.brown.edu to reach all the TAs (general questions).
Email cs1300headtas@lists.brown.edu to reach the Head TAs, Graduate TA, and Jeff (special exceptions).
Email jeff for sensitive issues (e.g. feedback about course, disagreement with a TA).

Please do not email any individual TA or Head TA with general questions. They have been advised to ignore emails not sent to the TA list, unless it pertains to something they graded themselves (in which case, please CC the Head TA list). This is to ensure we apply a consistent policy for questions, and so you can get a faster response to your emails. Also note that you do not need to notify anyone when using a late pass; it's taken care of automatically.

Regular Weekly TA Hours

Weekly TA hours are held Monday and Wednesdays from 6-7 pm, and Saturdays 3-5 pm in CIT 267. The first week after an assignment release, hours will be held as Group TA Hours (similar to Clinic) where you can discuss and ask questions in a group. The second week after an assignment release, hours will be held as individual TA hours where you sign up for 1-on-1 help.

Additional TA hours may be announced via email on a weekly basis.








6-7 pm

6-7 pm

3-5 pm

Extra Assignment-Specific Help Sessions

Help sessions are in addition to usual TA hours. They will cover specific material; please keep in mind that the TAs leading these sessions have prepared specifically for the topic at hand. Please refer to the schedule below.

Help session topic

Date, time, location

HTML/Heroku Set-up (1300/0130)

Friday, 10/6, 7-8pm, CIT 316

HTML/Heroku Set-up (1300/0130)

Monday, 10/9, 7-8pm, CIT 368

HTML/Heroku Set-up (1300/0130)

Tuesday, 10/10, 5-6:30pm, CIT 477

Calculating Metrics (1300/0130) Slides

Wednesday, 10/11, 4-5pm, CIT 316

Statistical Analysis (1300/0130)

Friday, 10/13, 4-5pm, CIT 316

Statistical Analysis (1300/0130)

Saturday, 10/14, 4-5pm, CIT 316

Eye Tracking Data Visualization/Analysis (1300)

Monday, 10/16, 4-5pm, CIT 546

HTML/CSS Help Session (1300/0130)

Saturday, 10/28, 4-5 PM, CIT 368





66 (11 pts each)




8 (2 pts each)



Presentation / Portfolio


Reading comment points are summed up and capped at 14. Participation points are 0.5 each and summed up with a cap of 5. The assignments are worth 11 points each, but scored out of 22 on Canvas for ease of breaking into a rubric; they can be divided by two to get course points. Late penalties for late assignments after using the 2 late passes are applied at the end of the semester. The thresholds for A/B/C cutoffs are 88.5/78.5/68.5, but these may decrease at the end of the semester based on the instructor's sense of difficulty for the year.

Each assignment has 2 points dedicated to style and presentation. You can find the full style guide as a pdf here. Note that following these guidelines does not necessarily guarantee full style points.

Assignments are graded by undergraduate TAs and reviewed by Head TAs, using a rubric developed with the instructor. If you feel an assignment was graded unfairly, first reach out to the TA who graded you. If you still disagree, please email the Graduate TA and explain why you think your assignment should have received a better grade. The Graduate TA will make a determination about whether your score will be changed within a week.

Portfolio-Ready Handins

Below, we've compiled some portfolio-ready handins that we've received for various CS1300/130 assignments. We've also compiled a list of example reading commments, which you can find here.


Example Student Handin

Example Student Handin

Example Student Handin

Critique Journal

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3


Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Responsive Redesign (130)

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Responsive Redesign (1300)

Example 1

Example 2

UI Camp

UI Camp is an optional bootcamp run by the TAs to have small groups work with 5 different design tools on various small design tasks. It will be a 5 hour workshop that happens on September 9, 11-4pm and September 10, 11am-4pm at the CIT. Please meet at the third floor atrium at 11am. Both days are the same so students should only attend one. Students receive credit for 2 labs for attending one full day of camp. UI Camp is generously sponsored by Balsamiq and Adobe.


TAs will lead multiple labs during the semester outside of the course lecture hours where students can gain experience with a specific interaction design tool or UI development for a specific platform. They will be in a tutorial + exercise format, and take place every Monday and Wednesday* (except on Fall Weekend and Thanksgiving) from 5-7pm in List 315. Students should take 4 labs in total (UI Camp counts as 2).



Signup Sheet



Sept. 11, 13

proto.io + Quant-UX

Sign-up Link



Sept. 18, 20

InVision + Balsamiq + Adobe XD

Sign-up Link



Sept. 25, 27

Sketch + Framer

Sign-up Link



Oct. 2, 4


Sign-up Link



Oct. 11, 13*


Sign-up Link


Oct. 17, 8-10pm

Sketch + Framer (Make-up Lab)

Sign-up Link



Oct. 16, 18


Sign-up Link


Oct. 23, 25


Sign-up Link


Oct. 30, Nov. 1


Sign-up Link



Nov. 6, 8

proto.io + Quant-UX

Sign-up Link



Nov. 13, 15


Sign-up Link



Nov. 18, 3-5pm

Figma (Make-up Lab)

Sign-up Link



Nov. 27, 29


Sign-up Link


Dec. 4, 9 (Saturday 10am-12pm)


Sign-up Link



Dec. 8 (Friday) 2-4pm

proto.io+Quant-UX and Figma

Sign-up Link

If you sign up for a lab and can't attend, please let us know at least 12 hours ahead of time -- otherwise, you'll lose priority for lab signups, and will have to sign up after everyone else. See the late policy for more details.

Late Policy

You may use two late passes toward assignments (not readings) throughout the semester that will allow you to turn in an assignment up to 1 week late with no penalty. You cannot stack late passes, and they are applied automatically. If you use up both late passes, assignments may still be turned in late but with 5 points deducted per week. Being late to labs may yield in no credit, and you must notify the TAs at least 12 hours prior if you cannot attend a lab. Late reading comments are not accepted. See the full policy here for more details.

Collaboration Policy

The Collaboration Policy explains the policies around working with other students or using outside-class resources for your assignment. It can be viewed in Canvas and is marked as an assignment worth 0 points. Your work will not be graded until you have agreed to the collaboration policy by submitting that assignment.

Group Assignment Issues

This course may involve assignments where you must work in groups of more than one. You may designate groups on your own, but you also have the option to get assigned to groups by filling out a form. Should you ever encounter issues with particular group members, please do not hesitate to email the HTA list. An example of an issue might be one or more member(s) who have not responded to any form of communication for over 3 days. If in doubt, email us anyway - we are here to help!

Software Licenses

Thanks to the generous help of various companies, we have obtained free licenses for a number of design software programs. You can find the full guide on how to get access to our design software licenses here. Do not share this document with students outside of class, or you will be in violation of the collaboration policy.

Additional Resources & Help

You can find a comprehensive list of resources for emergencies, student and employee accessibility services (SEAS), counseling and psychological services (CAPS), mental health and wellness, academic support, and more here on the CS Diversity and Inclusion site. If you need additional support, please email the HTAs or Jeff.

Anonymous Feedback Form

If you have any comments, questions, or concerns that you would like to anonymously note about the class (assignments, TAs, HTAs, Jeff, labs, lectures, anything!), feel free to drop us a message in this anonymous feedback form. We monitor it regularly and will try to address any issues within a week.

Frequently Asked Questions

I am a RISD student interested in taking the course. How do I enroll?
If you are sent an override code, there's a RISD form you will need Jeff to sign to register (bring it to the second day of class). Please refer to the RISD instructions.

Can I take the course as a capstone?
Yes, you must extend an assignment into something that has substantial development and design components. This can be done as a group, but the amount of work should be proportional to the group size.

When is the last day of class?
December 7, 2017. There is no final exam.

Will there be a textbook for the course?
No, all readings will be made available on Canvas.

Can I take this course as a non-CS concentrator?
Yes! CSCI 0130 has no prerequistes. However, CSCI 1300 recommends one of the intro CS sequences (CS15/16, CS17/18, or CS19), but you can still enroll in CSCI 1300 if you satisfy those even as a non-CS concentrator.

How do I apply a late pass to a late assignment?
They are automatically accounted for. No penalties are applied until the end of the semester. Check the late policy for more details.