CSCI 0111
Computing Foundations: Data
Welcome to CS111, the intro CS course that blends data science and computer science for both concentrators and non-concentrators alike! We've had students from a wide range of concentrations and backgrounds (mostly with no prior programming experience) succeed in the course. We strive to provide a supportive environment for all who wish to try out computing while leaving open options for subsequent courses in CS or Data Science.
The broad vision for CS111 is to put data and socially responsible computing at the heart of introductory computer science. We do this through a combination of writing small programs for data analysis, looking at core data structures that help us organize data towards different computations, and looking at case studies that reveal ways in which data-facing decisions can prevent or foster social harms.
For a short article on the vision for CS111, see Data-Centricity: A Challenge and Opportunity for Computing Education, by Brown CS professors Shriram Krishnamurthi and Kathi Fisler.
For those exploring from outside Brown: feel free to explore our current or past editions to see our course structure, notes, and assignments. The course textbook (which also has a major section on introductory algorithms that is not used in 111) is freely available online.
CSCI 0111 is planned to be offered every Fall and Spring semester, as of Fall 2021
Current Offering: Spring 2024
Past editions: