On this page:
Fall 2021:
Programming Languages
Thursday, December 2nd, 2021 8:23:52am

Fall 2021:
Programming Languages

Shriram Krishnamurthi
and The Staff of CSCI 1730

Welcome to the Fall 2021 CSCI 1730!

Please join the EdStem board.

This calendar lists all the important dates.

The class videos are available from this folder.

You will also be able to see the class live-stream there. (The live-stream is not interactive.) I strongly encourage you to attend class in person, so you can interact with classmates, ask questions, and participate in discussion. Try to use the live-stream only if you need to: if you are quarantining, medically vulnerable, etc.

    Syllabus and Course Policies


    Diversity and Professionalism

    Electronics Policy


