Course Description: |
In depth study of modern server
construction. Considers architectures for building
high-performance, robust, scalable, and secure network
servers. We will consider all aspects of "mission-critical"
servers. Topics include multithreaded and asynchronous
programming techniques, database access, performance
profiling, embedded languages, and fault tolerance. Teams
will build significant projects. |
Schedule: |
Mon, Wed, Fri: 10-11 in 345 (note room change!)
Instructor: |
John Jannotti [web
| email]
Office Hours: Mon & Thu: 11-12 in 379
Teaching Assistants: |
Chris Erway [web
| email]
Office Hours: Thurs 12-2, 423
Ronald Tse [email]
Office Hours: Wed 6-8 Fishbowl
Prerequisites: |
CS32 and (CS168 or CS167) |