Fall 2020:
Accelerated Introduction to Computer Science
Welcome to the Fall 2020 CSCI 0190 (formerly known as cs019)!
Though this class is virtual, it will have live meetings. You can read more about them in a dedicated AFQ.
The course can only be joined by passing a summer placement process that is now over. All class decisions have been made. If you have been admitted to the class, you will receive instructions on how you can enroll.
If you’ve missed the process, or don’t want to take 0190, or for any other reason want an alternative to 0190 in the Fall, please consider the excellent CSCI 0111, which I heartily recommend.
This calendar lists all the important dates.
The class’s video content is available here. Observe that there are two parts: Lecture Videos is a “playlist” of class lectures, while Live Class Videos is a folder that will contain recordings of all our live chats. Please note that by default the entire Zoom call will be recorded here, so if you have private questions, please let me know so I can pause the Zoom recording!
Thanks to Raymond Dai!